Our Strategic Plan

Strategic Plan

The Housing Queensland Strategic Plan 2022 – 2025 is our primary planning document for the four-year period from 2021/22 to 2024/25. It sets out our objectives, how we intend to achieve them, and the strategic priorities that we will work towards over the coming years.


Housing Queensland is a not-for-profit organisation that is the leadership body for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community housing providers in Queensland and an advocate for improved housing outcomes.

This document was developed by Housing Queensland and outlines our strategies to improve Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander housing in Queensland.

This document is primarily aimed at the following stakeholders:

  • The organisations that we serve – our members
  • The Federal, State and Local Governments and non-government partners including other housing leadership bodies who provide funding and much needed in-kind support to our organisation
  • Service providers; and
  • The executives and employees of our organisation who provide professional advice and guidance to our members.

Housing Queensland believe that a sustainable, vibrant community housing sector is essential if we are to achieve housing and home ownership outcomes. These are the very opportunities we all need to create the life we deserve.

In 2021, the Housing Queensland Board agreed to develop the first strategic plan for our organisation. This strategic plan provides a clear path for the future to ensure:

  • We function as a leadership body
  • We are aligned to our member’s needs; and
  • We form meaningful partnerships to achieve greater housing outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in Queensland.

This four-year strategic plan covers the period 2022 – 2025 and highlights eight strategic goals:

  1. Be a respected leadership body
  2. Strong advocacy
  3. Member engagement
  4. Sector development
  5. Strategic partnerships
  6. Research with impact
  7. Focus on sustainability; and
  8. National collaboration.

As this strategic plan is implemented, Housing Queensland expects to see stronger alignment with other strategic frameworks for addressing Indigenous housing at the state and national levels. Our establishment, addition and influence across this partnership environment will enhance capabilities across our organisation, governments, the Sector and Indigenous communities.

The Board will ensure that the Housing Queensland Strategic Plan 2022 – 2025 is implemented and monitored effectively and will communicate our achievements with an implementation tracker on our website; regular messaging; and in our annual plans and reports.

Ending the disparities in housing between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and non-Indigenous people is complex and challenging. Our organisation is proud of this strategic plan and we believe it captures community expectations for a stronger Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community housing sector. In the years ahead, we look forward to building on the legacy of success of our housing leaders by contributing significant housing outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in Queensland.

Mary Doctor
Chairperson, Housing Queensland
February 2022

Strategic Plan Overview